With every move, you put the needs of others before your own. You postpone doing what you want to do because you have to set up your home or get your kids settled in school before even thinking of yourself. You are valued tremendously by your family.
…yet you feel your efforts are all for them. You feel bad for wanting more. You do not want to be defined by your partner’s job. You blame your circumstances, perhaps building unwanted resentment. Maybe you’re simply uninspired, or you feel stuck.
Whatever you have been doing up until today, just isn’t working out the way you planned. You know there is so much more you have to offer and a much bigger purpose for you. You want to lead by example and be a positive role model. You want to create the ideal work and home life balance.
You’re done feeling like someone else is in the driver’s seat.
You’re ready to be the leading star of your life and get the results you’ve always wanted.
It’s not about finding a job. It’s about what you really want, your journey of self-discovery and your life’s purpose.
So if you —
You are stuck in indecision and always talk yourself out of doing something you want to do. You start a project, but never complete it or procrastinate. You take any job you can get because you should be grateful for any opportunity you have in the short time you are in a new country.
You move every few years and blame your circumstances for just coasting along. You follow your partner’s job and don’t feel you have control of your life. You are losing confidence in yourself and your ability to find fulfilling work. You think you are too old or too young, or maybe lack enough experience to get hired.
You look to others for answers, guidance, and external validation for what you want to do. In order to go the next step, you want someone else to tell you what to do. Perhaps you feel you are working so hard and still not getting results you want. You are stuck.
You’re in the right place.
Because changing your old habits and mental programming is 100% possible. You have infinite potential. You can learn how to re-program the way you think, feel, and behave to get your desired results.
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
— Albert Einstein
Undecided? Let’s talk. Book a free clarity call.
Let’s chat and see if we are a right fit for each other. Book a free clarity call with me or book a private consultation.